We invite contributions related to all aspects of electroactive materials and their composites, from their synthesis and characterization to potential or actual applications.


The scope includes (but is not limited to) the topics:


· Synthesis and characterization of electroactive (conducting/conjugated and redox) polymers and inorganic electroactive solids. Mechanisms of electrochemical and chemical synthetic routes to electroactive polymers.
· Electroactive copolymers, hybrid materials and nanocomposites containing metal, carbon, semiconductor or insulator particles/structures.
· Reactions at electrodes modified by electroactive materials or their (nano)composites.
· Recent developments of experimental techniques for characterization of pure and composite electroactive materials, with emphasis on in situ methods realized under control of the oxidation state of the system by the electrode potential.
· Recent developments of experimental techniques for characterization of pure and composite electroactive materials, with emphasis on in situ methods realized under control of the oxidation state of the system by the electrode potential.


Participation of young researchers and scientists from interdisciplinary areas is strongly encouraged.


The workshop will include keynote, oral and poster presentations. Discussions of "hot topics" in the area will take place during the sessions.


The official language is English.